Xenobia Bailey is an artist and designer best known for her eclectic crochet hats and her large scale crochet pieces and mandalas, consisting of colorful concentric circles and repeating patterns. Her designs are influenced by African, Chinese, and Native American and Eastern philosophies, with undertones of the 1970s “Funk” aesthetic. Bailey has been artist-in-residence at the Studio Museum in Harlem, the Society for Contemporary Craft in Pittsburgh, and the Marie Walsh Sharpe Art Foundation in New York City. Her work is in the permanent collections at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, the Allentown Art Museum, the Museum of Contemporary Arts and in the Museum of Arts and Design. One of her mosiacs can be found at New York’s newest subway station at the 34th street Hudson Yards.
Profile details
Birmingham B18 6NF
+1 222 333 444